1971—Colin Davis-R

Best choruses?

A—Ky—Serious, reverent; voices clear, assertive

B—Ch—Helen Donath; tenderly operatic, not too meaningful

A—Gl—Joyous, exuberant, all stops out

B—LT—Heather Harper; tenderly distant; too much vibrato

A—Gr—Reverent, assertive

B—DD—Tender, smooth; no battle

A—QT—Anguished, severe, painful; good stagger

A—Qu—Good blend of voices; good pace, energy

A—JC—Same; the most heartfelt, unfettered joy of all

A—CSS—Crisp voices; terrific brass; good climactic cadence

A—Cr—Crisp, clear voices; good chickens 2nd time, not 1st or 3rd

A—Et—Helen Donath; sweet, tender, a little distant, not intimate enough; good high notes; a little breathy in cadenza

A—S—Stately, broad, slow; good brass

A—H—Strong, assertive; hear the two choirs well

A—B—Good voice blend; joyous; detached strings at B

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