A—Ky—Stately, sober
B—Ch—Carole Bogard; operatic, meaningful; sings flat
B—Gl—A bit muddy; orchestra too much in background
B—LT—Ann Murray; operatic, with lots of vibrato; the orchestra are having fun, but she’s not
A—Gr—Stately, sober
A—DD—Good voices, good battle
B—QT—Good slow pace; more smooth than anguished
B—Qu—Wonderful soprano voices, tenor gets lost
A—JC— Same
A—CSS—Good belted out voice entrances; orchestra has fun
A—Cr—Driving, fast, “exultant;” chickens 2 but not 1 or 3
B—Et—Carole Bogard; tenderly operatic; meaningful, slightly on the strident side of sweet; good cadenza; sings flat; [Somary’s liner notes say “tender, rhapsodic, loving, and ecstatic”, which describes the orchestra but not the singer]
A—S—measured, “stately” [Somary], good brass
A—H—Good voice articulation, hear both choirs well
A—B—Hear all four voices well; jaunty, joyful; detached strings at B