Shortest overall time—47:13
A—Ky—Shortest; restless, matter-of-fact; lyrical, songlike rather than hymnlike
A—Ch—Nancy Armstrong; shortest; vocalise; neutral, but lyrical & accessible
A—Gl—Assertive, upbeat, smooth, restrained
A—LT—Dominique Labelle; accessible, folklike, has some fun with it; in B, oboe too shy
A—Gr—Shortest; Broad, songlike; serious enough, but lacks reverence
A—DD—Not quite a battle, but at least a serious discussion, resolved amicably
B—QT—Smooth, flowing, lyrical; no pain, no stagger
A—Qu—Voices very good singly & together; animated, happy conversations
A—CSS—Bright, upbeat; crisp entrances; good climactic cadence
A—Cr—Bright, smooth, so much so that the attitude of trumpets and timpani is wasted; chickens come through at 2
A—Et—Nancy Armstrong; tender, intimate; fast pace makes it a bit too breezy; lovely voice, lovely cadenza, but her staccato phrasing at mm 74-76 shreds the sweet mood
A—S—Fast pace leaves churchiness behind; still joyous & uplifting
A—H—Shortest; jolly, fun, upbeat
A—B—Voices excellent singly & together; happy & rapturous; legato strings at B
Plainchant filling out of “Credo” is inoffensive, but plainchant “Agnus Dei” kills Mozart’s ending