1991—Helmuth Rilling-E

A—Ky—Dreamily churchy, smooth

A—Ch—Christiane Oelze; operatic, meaningful, lots of vibrato

A—Gl—Vibrant, exuberant, uplifting

A—LT—Ibolya Verebics; rambunctious, playful; kicks up her heels, but not enough to sizzle

A—Gr—Broad, churchy

A—DD—More a difference of opinion than outright battle, but the right idea; wonderful blending of different timbred voices

B—QT—Fastest time yet; race to Golgotha; tuneful dance; no pain

A—Qu—Brisk pace drives singers to have fun; good individual and blending 


A—CSS—Crisp, vibrant; chorus handle the melismas with ease; less than dramatic climactic cadence

A—Cr—Uplifting, exuberant; chorus toss each other themes assertively and crisply; really nice sudden crescendo at final “visibilium”; chickens come through only at 2

A—Et—Christiane Oelze; languid pace, one of only a handful over 9 minutes; sweet, unaffected, 1 to 1 intimacy; another gem with McNair & Auger (Bernstein)

A—S—Rafter-rattling chorus, but brass need to speak up more

A—H—A trifle subdued; chorus don’t take advantage of antiphonal opportunities

A—B—Great marshalling of individual and combined voices; they’re definitely having animated conversations and having fun, especially the bass; detached strings at B

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