1998—François-Robert Girolami-S

Longest overall time—59:34

A—Ky—Measured, dignified, majestic

A—Ch—Corinne Laporte; Vocalise; detached, unhurried, lots of vibrato

A—Gl—Muddy sound; voices don’t achieve separation (probably acoustics of church); otherwise vigorous, joyous

C—LT—Evelyne Brun; Bright, refreshing, folklike, personal; has more fun than orchestra, which is restrained; breathy, slightly off-pitch; missing two chunks of melismas (mm 44-51, 117-123, as in Paumgartner)

A—Gr—Stately, dignified

C—DD—Balanced, S1 harsh, S2 flat; still, good battle, with use of differently timbred voices to emphasize conflict; S2 sounds as if she has a sore throat—good voice having a bad day

B—QT—Wonderful slow pace is smooth & flowing & fails to take advantage of double-dotted rhythm; thus, no pain, no stagger, just a long time to wait for the end

B—Qu—S1 tends to dominate, shrill; S2 lost at times; serious, workmanlike

A—JC—Same; tied for longest with Somary

A—CSS—Longest, but doesn’t drag; acoustics of live venue does not prevent clear, assertive voice entrances; vigorous, majestic; good climactic cadence

B—Cr—Longest; Draggy, muddy, though voices are assertive; chickens just barely appear at 2

C—Et—Corinne Laporte; Unhurried, dreamy pace; Gentle, plodding vocalise; voice has much vibrato & consistent harsh edge, with shrieks on high notes; much breathiness in cadenza; two chunks of melismas missing at same places (mm 33-39, 70-77) as in Jochum and Paumgartner

A—S—Slow, majestic, rafter-rattling; missing the punch of the brass

B—H—Longest; muddy acoustics, a couple of ragged entrances; still assertive, joyous

A—B—Good ensemble; all soloists come through equally, with S1 still shrill & S2 slightly off-pitch; serious mood; detached strings at B

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