2010—Harry Christophers-E

A—Ky—Flowing, churchy, unhurried

A—Ch—Gillian Keith; gentle, angelic; just a little more vibrato than it needs

A—Gl—Bright, joyous; slightly muddy melismas

A—LT—Tove Dahlberg; orchestra smooth, slightly restrained; vocalise follows suit, with a slight bounce at times

A—Gr—Severe, assertive

A—DD—Civil discord rather than outright battle to start, but at least has some tension; too much vibrato in both voices

A—QT—Staggering, mournful, painful—yay!

A—Qu—Good voice blending, good presence of tenor, good restraint of vibrato by sopranos, but no animation, no fun


A—CSS—Bright, upbeat; somewhat muddy melismas; orchestra subdued; good climactic cadence

A—Cr—Crisp, assertive, galloping; nice antiphonal effect of male and female voices; no chickens

A—Et—Gillian Keith; dreamy, unhurried pace; gentle, fresh, sweet, personal if not intimate; tenderer cadenza than the rest of the piece

A—S—Rafter-rattling singers, restrained orchestra;

A—H—Brisk, bright; crisp melismas

A—B—Jaunty pace set by orchestra; singers sound much more perky and involved with each other than in “Quoniam”; legato strings at B

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