1989—Paul Kuentz-?

Probably R

A—Ky—Solemn, reverent; clear voices, good balance with orchestra

A—Ch—Barbara Schlick; gentle, angelic, with minimal affectation

A—Gl—Joyous, upbeat; good articulation in sopranos, not so much tenors

A—LT—Mechthild Georg; lightly operatic, with smooth, serious orchestra

A—Gr—Smooth, hymnlike

A—DD—Different voice timbres make for good battle; haughtiness gives way to harmony; very good

B—QT—Fast, dancelike, no tragedy; nice trombone prominence

A—Qu—Good separation of voices while singing well together; tenor holds his own against the sopranos; sound like they’re having a good time

A—JC— Same

A—CSS—Good, crisp voice entrances; tenors have no problem here; good climactic cadence

A—Cr—Joyous, upbeat, belted out; good balance with orchestra; chickens 2, but not 1 or 3

A—Et—Barbara Schlick; Gentle, unaffected, intimate love song; just a little shrieky on highest notes; wonderful cadenza

A—S—Joyfully churchy, exultant; good voices, good brass

A—H—Crisp, clean

A—B—Bright, jolly; voices very good individually and together; detached and nicely assertive strings at B

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