2006—Volker Hempfling-?

Probably R

A—Ky—Noble, reverent; good use of brass and timpani

B—Ch—Gabriele Hierdeis; operatic; lots of vibrato, swells, & dramatic slowing; sharp edge in tone at times; funny articulation when changing notes

A—Gl—Bright, energetic, joyous; crisp melismas; timpani are too much here; they’d sound good in Maunder edition “Credo”

A—LT—Alison Browner; vocalise, emotionally distant; neither meaningful nor playful; orchestra subdued

A—Gr—Broad, hymnlike, noble

A—DD—Good strident start for S1 & assertive rejoinder for S2; maintain a good battle; vigorous, crisp support from orchestra

A—QT—As fast as you can go & still maintain some staggering dignity; at least not dancelike

A—Qu—Good voices singly & together; tenor doesn’t really get lost, I think he’s just insufficiently miked in this live recording; brisk, fun conversations


A—CSS—Churchy, vibrant; crisp choral articulation; again, too much timpani, probably also due to live recording; not much buildup in climactic cadence

A—Cr—Alas, no timpani & brass here, due to probable Robbins edition; bright, more lilting than galloping; lighter sound affords opportunity for chickens to be prominent, but they remain in background

A—Et—Gabriele Hierdeis; gentle love song with only occasional dramatic affectation; languid, flowing pace; still that edge at times—& the funny articulation; nice cadenza

A—S—Timpani & brass shine, giving fanfare-like sound; lovely restless energy at “Dominus Deus Sabbaoth”

A—H—Crisp, bright, joyousA—B—shortest; good balance of male and female voices; bright, jolly conversations; detached strings at B just right

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